2025 Agenda

Powergrid Leaders Europe 2025 is the premier event for key players in the energy sector to address the urgent challenges and opportunities facing Europe's power grid. This two-day event offers a comprehensive agenda designed to drive innovation, foster collaboration, and shape the future of the continent's energy landscape. 

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Registration and morning coffee
9:00 AM - 9:05 AM
Chair’s welcome and address
9:05 AM - 9:50 AM
Overlook transmission and we overlook the energy transition: assessing grid and network readiness to deliver on power sector needs in Europe and the UK
  • How are transmission networks ensuring they are adequately prepared to support the expected renewables build-out both onshore and offshore? 
  • EU grid action plan: What would European and regional cooperation look like to enhance and upgrade grid infrastructure effectively?
  • Can the grid transformation be financed for progress as well as profit? 
  • Where are TSOs in meeting their obligation of making 70% of transmission capacity available for cross-border electricity trading by the end of 2025?
  • The human capital question: will this be the biggest factor preventing the growth of the grids in Europe?
9:50 AM - 10:30 AM
Fireside chat
From the boardroom: what strategic grid planning is taking place to incentivise TSOs and DSOs in meeting future decarbonised energy scenarios?
  • Grid planning must become more nimble: managing more risks in the system when the curve of increasing demand and consumption is exponential
  • Pace: what should be built first? How big and how much should be put forward for anticipatory investments?
  • Integrating new technologies that are influenced by renewables and the stability of the grid
  • NIMBY: can grid infrastructure rollout be forced through despite public objections?
  • How can financial structures be reformed and streamlined to better facilitate energy investments? Balancing public & private financing
10:30 AM - 11:10 AM
Networking Coffee Break
11:10 AM - 11:40 AM
Fireside chat
Ask me anything: European Commission and Government insights into tackling the obstacles hindering adequate grid development
  • What is the EU’s / your government’s strategy for augmenting grid investment to make them “fit-for-purpose”?
  • Regulatory and policy insights to encourage grids to move in step with renewable generation and clean demand-side technologies
  • Can governments meet investors’ long-term expectations?
  • Can the industry get the people it needs?
11:40 AM - 12:20 PM
What policy and regulatory reforms are needed to facilitate the integration of renewable energy into grids?
  • Identifying the right projects to be connected to the grid
  • What steps are needed to ensure strong governance tools are in place to implement the electricity and market design?
  • What are the barriers to developing a harmonised European grid?
  • How are grids overcoming the challenges in accommodating distributed renewable sources like wind, solar, hydrogen and nuclear into networks?
12:20 PM - 1:00 PM
Sector coupling, system integration and system planning is needed: with increased redispatching and balancing of power systems, what is being done to promote integration between electrons and molecules?
  • How will renewable production develop? To what extent is there an increased need for balancing and redispatch in EU and are we optimistic or not?
  • How do we ensure that wider system integrated value chains are functional and in time?
  • What changes might be needed for electricity, hydrogen and gas markets?
  • Integrated planning – why is this not done and what are the benefits and barriers (data, modelling) to integrated system level planning?
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Networking Lunch
2:00 PM - 2:20 PM
Fireside chat
Power Generation: facing the challenges and opportunities in providing continuous, reliable power – what might the future energy mix look like?
  • What do power generators need from grids and networks as they plan their production growth?
  • Overcoming constraints in PPAs (generation and storage)
  • What financial incentives or penalties could be implemented?
  • Uncertainty for consumers: will there be reliable sources for consumers, will costs be realistic?
  • Carbon neutral flexibility and storage solutions
2:20 PM - 3:00 PM
Promoting anticipatory investments for the system integration of renewables: changing from a reactive to a ‘build-for-the-future’ approach for grid expansion
  • Update on EC guidance on anticipatory investments
  • Removing regulatory obstacles and adopting output-based remuneration
  • How can regulators become higher risk takers?
  • Best practise examples to promote efficiency, innovation and planning
  • Update on the decentralised energy fund and anticipatory investments for DSOs
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Innovations in bridging the gap between power demand of today and infrastructure build of tomorrow: solutions to avoid new planning and rights-of-way challenges
  • Getting more over existing wires with optimisation technologies - dynamic line rating, advanced conductors, bi-directional power flows, DERMS, GETS
  • Flexibility tools to lessen the requirement for new capacity
  • How are projects being designed different to meet increased renewables and net zero targets? 
  • Global skills strategies – where are the skills and workforce needs?
3:30 PM - 4:10 PM
Networking Tea Break
4:10 PM - 4:45 PM
Successfully handling flexibility in grid development: What are the challenges in working with generators and off-takers to transform the transmission system?
  • With more renewables in the system is it possible to match demand and consumption every hour going forwards?
  • New perspectives on flexibility solutions to maintain system balance
  • Solutions to maintain supply demand balance
  • To what extent can microgrids, energy hubs and energy communities serve as energy and flexibility providers?
4:45 PM - 5:25 PM
Translating plans into wires: what steps need to be taken to accelerate the planning and permitting processes for electricity grids and overcome public objections in Europe?
  • How are long connection wait times and planning regulations hindering clean energy project development?
  • How can regulators speed up the process of planning and permitting?
  • To what extent can regulations be harmonised and local permitting processes be standardised?
  • How to overcome public objections and achieve stakeholder buy-in?
5:25 PM - 5:30 PM
Chair’s closing remarks
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Networking Drinks Reception
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Registration and morning coffee
9:00 AM - 9:10 AM
Chair's welcome and address
9:10 AM - 9:55 AM
The Interconnectedness of power networks between the UK, Europe and beyond: exploring the complexity of interconnectedness and pricing mechanisms
  • Identifying the most critical corridors requiring additional capacity and current projects for development of interconnectors
  • How can the interconnectedness between European and non-European markets be improved?
  • As there is a rise in private interconnectors being developed, how can we mobilize private finance?
  • Exploring alternatives such as non-wire solutions, flexible technologies including storage and peaking units, demand response and energy efficiency
9:55 AM - 10:35 AM
The big offshore remit - who builds, who pays? Can a European wide system realistically be implemented and sustainably financed?
  • Building an ideal offshore grid from scratch: meshed, hybrid?
  • The challenges behind designing and implementing fit for purpose regulatory structures that benefit offshore grids
  • Can we expect standardisation for offshore grids for technology and voltage?
  • Energy islands as part of offshore grids
  • Efforts to address emerging skill requirements in offshore
10:35 AM - 11:15 AM
Networking Coffee Break
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM
The great DSO debate - what might reshaping future fit DSOs look like? Ensuring flexible behaviour, communication, optimisation and streamlining incentives for market participants
  • Smoothing the interface between TSOs and DSOs and remaining connected to the customer
  • With decarbonised and fluctuation generation & demand, what will flexible systems with multi directional flows look like?
  • Technology innovations from scaling up transformers to accessing real time information
  • Update on a decentralised energy fund and securing accessibility to financing in the future: people, systems and cost
12:00 PM - 12:20 PM
Deep dive - Demand growth for electricity consumption: how quickly is demand picking up and how steep might the curve be?
  • How might demand profiles per region change with electrification?
  • Which sectors will play a role and how?
  • How might the growth of EVs impact the electric grid?
  • As distances between demand and consumption centres are increasing, what challenges does this bring?
  • EU industrial competitiveness - imported vs local growth?
12:20 PM - 1:00 PM
The global pressure on the supply chain and manufacturers: How are they scaling up capacity and capability in light of huge demand? How much volume predictability is really needed?
  • Unlocking the supply chain: from manufacturing capacity of transformers, switch gear and reactor equipment
  • Is reliance outside of Europe really an issue? How can we build back up a domestic manufacturing base?
  • Update on the implementation of articles 25 & 26 and its impact on procurement
  • Can standardisation and cooperation from system operators give manufacturers clarity on orders?
  • Where are the bottlenecks for the increased global demand for metals (copper, SHG steel) and will this really hinder supply chain development?
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Networking Lunch
2:00 PM - 2:40 PM
Bringing value to the transmission system: balancing demand side management and consumer participation
  • Optimising the result of explicit and implicit participation
  • Nudging consumer participation and managing change of behaviour
  • Demand side management: optimising the result of explicit and implicit participation
  • Impacting the flows: data communication and congestion management
2:40 PM - 3:00 PM
How is demand side flexibility going to work? Examples from flexibility markets
  • How fast can they respond, how expensive are they, what are the potential revenues for service providers?
3:00 PM - 3:40 PM
Networking Tea Break
3:40 PM - 4:15 PM
A game changer? Smart grids and AI - harnessing AI's potential in building an efficient energy system
  • Overcoming regulatory barriers and fostering collaboration to accelerate AI's integration
  • What tools and measures can be implemented for workers impacted by the introduction of AI?
  • Tech further up the value chain
4:15 PM - 4:55 PM
What viable innovations in terms of cost and scalability will storage provide to bridge the gap caused by the intermittent nature of renewables
  • Exploring pumped hydro, solid mass storage, compressed air, and advanced batteries and flow batteries
  • What regulatory frameworks need to be put in place to incentivise the widespread adoption of storage?
  • What is the potential for long duration energy storage in unlocking regions with limited grid infrastructure?
  • Disruptive possibilities to establish new power transmission networks
4:55 PM - 5:00 PM
Chair's closing remarks